5th International
Conference for
Food Safety
and Quality

Major Topic
Global Food Safety









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4th Conference
Redondo Beach

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San Francisco

2nd Conference
San Francisco

1st Conference
San Francisco

5th International Conference for
Food Safety and Quality
(November 2-3, 2010)
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Redondo Beach, CA

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Conference Place: Crowne Plaza Hotel (Conference Room)
7:00 - 8:30 Registration and Breakfast (Juice, Tea, Coffee) and Poster Display
(***Exhibitors displaying time : 9:00-11:00 AM***)

8:40 - 9:00 Opening Announcement

MAJOR TOPIC: Food Industries' Actions for Food Safety
09:00 - 10:00 - Current Foodborne Outbreak and legal issues

William D. Marler, Esq.
MarlerClark attorneys at Law

10:00 - 11:00 - Current Food Safety and Quality Issues

V.J. Juneja

11:00 - 11:20 - Coffee Break in Exhibitors' Section

11:20 - 12:20 - Food Safety Policy

William Hallman
(Rutgers University)

12:20 - 12:30: GROUP PICTURE

12:30 - 1:30: Lunch buffet will be supported (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dinning Room)

1:30 - 2:30 - ¡°Can 3rd Party Independent Audits Assure Food Safety"

Paul Hall
(2004 IAFP President)

2:30 - 3:30 - Safety of fresh produce and global food safety

Will Daniels
(VP, Earthbound Farm)

3:30 - 4:30 - Rapid methods and automation methods to detection of foodborne pathogens

Daniel Y.C. Fung
Director of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology Workshop
(Kansas State Univ.)

4:30 - 4:40 - Short Break
4:40 - 5:30 - Panel Discussion All Key Speakers Invited

Organized by Dr. Stan Bailey (2008 IAFP President)

5:30: Adjourn


November 3, 2010
Conference place: Crowne Plaza Hotel (Conference Room)
8:00 - 8:40 Registration and Breakfast (Juice, Tea, Coffee, and Bread)

8:40 - 9:00: Poster Competition Results - Awards and Picture

9:00 - 10:00 -
Global food safety and food industries' actions for food safety

Craig Henry -
Senior VP. GMA

10:00 - 11:00 - Current topics and issues for detection of foodborne pathogens

Stan Bailey
(2008 IAFP President, bioMerieux)

11:00 - 11:20 Coffee Break in Exhibitors' Section

11:20 - 12:20 - Innovative control methods against foodborne pathogens during storage and transportation

Dong-Hyun Kang
Washington State University

12:30 - 1:30: Lunch buffet will be supported (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dinning Room)

1:30 - 2:30 - Thermal and non-thermal intervention technologies to control food
borne pathogens

Erdogan Ceylan
Director, Silliker

2:30 -3:30 - Innovative intervention to controll foodborne pathogens

Nahed Kotrola
Smithfield Food Inc.

3:30 - 4:30 - BRC, ISO22000, HACCP, GFSI?

Joseph Iwan
Professionalfoodsafety Ltd.

4:30 - 5:00 -
Certificate and Adjourn of 5th International Conference for Food Safety and Quality


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